Notice of EPA Lead Inventory
Oct. 28 — As required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 132 (the “Water District”) conducted an inventory on it service lines for the presence of lead.
The inventory has been completed. No lead service lines nor galvanized service connections were detected and no line replacement is required.
Additionally, the Water District has found no evidence of the use of lead service lines (i) in the system records, including distribution system maps and drawings, historical records, meter installation records, inspections and records of the distribution system that indicate the material composition, or (ii) when reading water meters or performing maintenance activities during normal system operations.
2024 Unchanged Tax Rate Adopted
Oct. 21 — The HCWCID 132 Board of Directors held a public hearing on a proposed tax rate of .29 cents per $100 of taxable value. The proposed rate was adopted by unanimous vote.
The rate is unchanged from 2023 and allocates .122 (42%) for payment of principal and interest of outstanding bonds and .168 (58%) for maintenance and operations.
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